Remote Learning at Bowland High


Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to Parents and Carers about what to expect from our remote education provision if your child is required to self-isolate due to being identified as a close contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus or if local / national restrictions require your child’s cohort to study remotely from home.

The Remote Curriculum

What is taught to pupils at home?

At Bowland we have worked hard to ensure our full curriculum is delivered to all our pupils, including those who are working remotely from home, throughout the pandemic. Home based pupils will be set work in line with their school timetable. Lessons set for remote learning will be reviewed, and if necessary adapted, to ensure tasks can be completed in the home setting. In some cases, content may need to be modified from that which would have been delivered in school. For example, in P.E, pupils may be set theory work rather than practical activities due to equipment / space constraints and safety practicalities; in Science, the teacher may decide to focus on the retrieval / practice of existing skills rather than introducing a tricky new area of content.

When will my child be able to access work online?

The next day! All lesson materials are uploaded every day to ensure home working pupils can access missed lessons in a timely manner. All materials will be uploaded ready for pupils to access on the next school day. We have taken this approach to ensure your child’s teachers have sufficient time to review and modify resources before uploading.

How will my child be able to access the work they have been set?

To make it easier for you and your child to track set work, all remote learning tasks are recorded in Satchel One (SMHW). Satchel One (SMHW) can be accessed via a PC, tablet, or mobile phone. A range of other software platforms are also used by various teachers / subjects including SharePoint, Teams, Hegarty Maths, Moodle, Quizlet etc. If your child is unable to access an online site required for the completion of a set task, they should send a message via Satchel One (SMHW) or email to their class teacher immediately. All staff emails at Bowland follow the same structure:

NB: Your child’s teacher will only respond to emails which have been sent from your child’s school email address or via Satchel One. If your child is unable to access their school email account, please contact school.

How long should I expect the work set by the school to take my child each day?

To complete all the work set, your child should be working the equivalent of a full school day – roughly 5 hours, depending on the daily subject mix and the amount of work set.

My child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. If you are unable to access Satchel One (SMHW), or the work shared on it, due to a lack of hardware or limited internet connection, please contact school by phoning 01200 441374 to arrange alternative provision. In some cases, school may be in a position to lend the necessary hardware. When this is not possible, textbooks and printed materials will be provided.

How will my child be taught remotely?

We use a combination of approaches when teaching pupils remotely. Subjects / teachers are encouraged to adopt the most suitable approach for the content they intend to deliver. Approaches used include:

· Live Teams lessons

· Narrated video presentations

· Modified PowerPoints

· Online learning environments, such as SharePoint.

· Use of online software such as Hegarty Maths

· Online quiz sites, such as Kahoot and MS Forms

· Use of national education sites, including BBC Bitesize and the Oak Academy.

We acknowledge that each approach brings benefits and drawbacks. For example, Live lessons are great for helping pupils feel connected to their peers, but we know not everyone is able to access them and we appreciate the impact of ‘screen fatigue’ from extended online sessions. During full bubble closures, registers and the start of all lessons will be via Teams to allow for safeguarding checks and check on pupils face to face. The length of these live lessons will depend on the content/nature of the lesson being delivered. Narrated lessons and

PowerPoints provide greater flexibility, enabling students to work at their own pace and to go back to check information, however, the lack of opportunities to ask questions can restrict progress.

We want our teachers to select the delivery approach which most suits the content they plan to cover. This approach should result in your child receiving a varied and engaging mix of remote lessons.


Learning at Home Guide

Microsoft Teams Tutorial

Online Remote Provision – Guidance for Parents

Online Remote Provision – Guidance for Pupils

Show My Homework Tutorial