Vision and Values

Our Mission Statement sums up our school:

Tradition, care and challenge

Tradition – a school founded on mutual respect and responsibility with high standards of behaviour. It is forward-looking but also proud of, and true to, its heritage.

Care – an inclusive environment where each individual is known, valued and nurtured, and in turn learns to care for other members of the community and the environment.

Challenge – a community where all members are encouraged and supported to achieve their very best and which seeks to develop the whole person.

This means we:

  • are a welcoming and inclusive community respectful of individuality and diversity
  • know every single person well and can provide a genuine personal touch
  • have a concern for equality of opportunity at all times
  • deliver academic and extra-curricular excellence
  • are committed to developing the full potential of all of our pupils and staff
  • monitor progress carefully and provide appropriate support for everyone

So that our pupils:

  • are happy and stay safe
  • develop into responsible citizens who make informed judgements
  • are confident and creative and develop enquiring minds
  • become self-disciplined and adaptable team players and leaders
  • are encouraged to make a difference locally and globally
  • embrace both challenge and change


““Pupils are polite, well-mannered and respectful.”


“Teachers and pupils show mutual respect for each other.”


"Safeguarding policies and practice are highly effective."


"Pupils’ outcomes are outstanding. All groups make strong progress."
